
Tuesday, June 28, 2011


The background and guiding principles against which the proposed Tamar Institute has been framed, it is anticipated that its goals and objectives can be realised as follows:

1. Capitalising upon the established networks’ memberships and other relationships relevant to potential key participating collaborators, devise projects and programs – research, advocacy and other – that engage with a diversity of community social networks. In doing so, establish a ‘corporate entity/identity’ of some kind that will enable the entity to pursue;
•   collaborative research exploration of past and current understandings relevant to social cum cultural realities’ sustainability;
•   advocacy for production and service networks and current cultural production in a real world 21st Century context.

2.  It is envisaged that via various means ‘the institute’ – albeit that it may be a somewhat abstract entity – will initiate projects and programs under the aegis of networked groups/organisations/institutions that advocate innovative and sustainable outcomes within the context of 21st C  technologies, social networks and cultural production.

3.   Establish a coalition of collaborative research teams and networks under the auspices of one or more established groups/organisations/institutions that have symbiotic sets of goals and objectives to those of the institute. By doing so, the coalition, and the teams/networks collectively, will be better placed to investigate the ways in which scientific research, cultural production and technology can contribute to changing imperatives and understandings within 21st Century cultural, social and economic realities.

4.  Using the institution’s network linkages, it is anticipated that it will be possible to initiate various projects devised to engage a diverse network of community based producers, service providers, researchers and cultural producers with each other. Consistent with this, and using the networked resources of community based researchers, the diversity and cultural producers as well as the network’s infrastructure – display spaces, sales outlets, offices, meeting places, etc. – new, and dynamically interactive,  projects and programs will be more feasible than otherwise may be possible.

5.  Fund and/or seek funding in collaboration with network members for infrastructure and facilities within the institute’s network that enhances or complements existing infrastructures and that enables the development of projects and programs in support of the institute’s raison d’ĂȘtre. Likewise, where appropriate, seek funding and sponsorships – cash and in-kind – for new infrastructure initiatives in collaboration/cooperation with a network member.

6. Establish a publication network – hardcopy, electronic and digital – for the publication of the outcomes of individual, cooperative and collaborative research relevant to the institute’s raison d’ĂȘtre. Primarily publications will be directed towards disseminating information about, and the outcomes of, projects, conferences, symposiums and seminars that advance the institute’s cause.

7.  Establish a curated virtual research collection and library network facilitated by a website that identifies objects in public and private collections, and/or in daily use in public and private situations, that demonstrate the region’s cultural and social realities and histories – plus the interfaces between the sustainability concept and current design practices.

8.   Facilitate the awarding of scholarships, residencies and fellowships that advance the study of regionally relevant issues and/or research focused upon topics of regional significance. These opportunities will be facilitated via the institute's network and ideally complemented by funding opportunities from other sources – private, corporate, institutional, national,  international.

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