
Monday, June 27, 2011


 In framing this paper and in particular the proposal for an 'institute' of the kind described in the paper, a number of questions have arisen.  


1.  Why wouldn't it be appropriate for the institute, or whatever it may be called, to be formally constituted and incorporated as a not-for-profit body?
  •  It may be appropriate to formally establish the institute as a separate legal entity. However, it need not be separate in this way as there are a number of institutions and organisations that may be willing to auspice it, or an element of it,  If the issue of legal liability were to arise incorporation may then be an issue. The desirability of legal incorporation or otherwise will need to be determined at some time in the future, and by the constituents of the coalition, that will be the institute's membership – Community of Ownership & Interest. That will be necessary should the formation of the institute/alliance/cooperative proceed.
2.  In practical terms what is involved and implied by ‘auspiced’ in the case of the proposal to establish an "institute"?
  •  'Auspiced'  typically refers to an organisation, action group, whatever, that exists under the patronage or guidance of another entity –especially in the phrase "under the auspices of". The 'auspicing body' here usually takes responsibility for financial accountability while the 'auspiced entity' carries out its program and projects.
3.  Who will the members of the institute be and how is it proposed that they be selected or appointed?
  •  'Membership' can be determined in a variety of ways but the working assumption is that the membership will typically be in some way representative of the coalition/alliance that comes together to establish the institute and ultimately determine its purpose and objectives. Beyond that it will be that membership that will determine the issue of membership, roles, etc.
4.  How will the institute find a coalition or an alliance of organisations/people to enable its formation ?
  • Clearly there will need to be an action cum advocacy group established to progress the concept and the membership of such a group is open to suggestions.
5.  How will the institute be funded ?
  • Once the institute has a clear purpose, a credible set of goals and a relevant auspicing body or network of auspicing bodies/organisations, it will be possible to seek funding from agencies  and corporations etc. that support the kind of projects/programs requiring funding or in-kind support. However, it is anticipated that its 'membership' may well be able to find financial and in-kind support from within its networks. Funding will ultimately be determined by the institute's credibility and importantly, its accountability – not the least the projects it delivers.
6.  What is meant by the term "placedness" ?
  • Placedness refers to an understanding of 'place' determined and/or defined by social and cultural imperatives. It is also linked to the understandings linked to cultural landscapes and the concept of placemaking a term used by architects and planners to describe the process of creating squares, plazas, parks, streets and waterfronts that will attract people because they are useful, pleasurable, interesting, sustaining. In relation to the institute it is used in a similar way albeit with a different focus

7.  Why has the concept of the 'Mechanics Institute" been used as a model for the institute given that it is an outmoded idea?  

    • Mechanics Institutes were historically 19th C style educational establishments formed to provide adult education, particularly in technical subjects, to working men. Typically they were established to meet a local need and to fit a local circumstance. Later they turned into museums, libraries and colleges that have a more general rather than local focus. It is being speculated that in a 21st C context the kind of starting point that spawned Mechanics Institutes  may again be useful in developing a 'local institution' devised and designed to fit local circumstances, or at least pay attention to local issues even if it is simultaneously within a global circumstance  ... read more here


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